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Iustin Rosioara

Iustin Rosioara

As an experienced professional in several industries and service areas, my career spans three decades and many professions, including industrial plant development, automation processes, construction management, real estate development, real estate management, retail, and hospitality.

With a Master of Science degree in Electronic Engineering, as well as certifications in the areas of Project Management, Property Management, Computer Systems Engineering and Service Quality, I was privileged to spend my life in several completely different economic systems.  My professional career started in Communist Romania, where I was born and raised. It is there where I fully understood the fallacies of a corrupt system that had no respect for private initiative and individual freedom. On the contrary, I also experienced the “wild capitalistic” years of transition from Communism to a free market economy—a period that brought confusion and frustration for some people, but also unexpected opportunities for others, including myself.

In Norway (misidentified by many as a “half-socialist” system) is where I spent half of my adult life, where private initiative coexists successfully with a strong, but still limited, government.  I currently live in the United States, which I believe, has been for centuries (and will hopefully remain) the dream country for anyone who places a high value on individual freedom.

I started to study precious metals during my frustrating attempts to understand money, finances, and economics in general. As I found himself in a maze of possible interpretations, in which different schools of economics debate what money is supposed to be or how the economy is supposed to work, it became obvious that man made currency systems are not the answer. If it was, after millennia of economic development, everybody would have agreed upon what works and what doesn’t. Since we are exposed to a myriad of theories about money and financial policies, where even the scholars promoting them do not agree, it is clear that mankind is still searching.

The content of this website is an attempt to provide just another tool that anyone can use in his or her pursuit to gain economic freedom.

Service Strategy Solutions, LLC

PO Box 3108, Burnsville, MN 55337, US

(612) 222-8083

The content made available and presented through this website is not intended to, nor does it constitute, investment or legal advice. The content presented here is for informational and educational purposes and using it will be at your own risk.

No section or statement of the website shall be interpreted as a guarantee or a promise regarding future performance, returns, or results. Given the complexity of the investment decision making process and the particularities of each investor, be it individual person or institutional, no such decision should be made without first consulting a financial and/or legal advisor and/or conducting own research and due diligence. Service Strategy Solutions LLC and its members disclaim any and all liability in the event content proves to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, resulting in partial or total losses of the investments, including principal.

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